英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-25 00:27:46
  • 网络解释

1. win through的意思

1. 完成:win the toss 掷钱币猜对 | win through 完成 | win up 上马

2. 获胜,成功:5649win over争得 (别人的) 支持或恩惠 | 5650win through获胜,成功 | 5651wind up(口)(使)结束;以...告终

3. 完成; 克服障碍; 脱离困境:win the day 得胜; 成功 | win through 完成; 克服障碍; 脱离困境 | wince 畏缩, 退避, 退缩 (动)

It won't be easy but we'll win through in the end.(这并不容易,但我们最终会获得成功。)
What is at stake during the Group Stages is for us to show that we can go through. [Barcelona] have shown they can win it so, at the moment, it's too early to compare us to them.(小组赛的关键是我们要告诉人们我们能够经历这一切。(巴塞罗那)已经做到了这一点,所以在那个时刻,拿我们和他们相比还是太早了。)
For we shall win through, no matter the cost.(我们最后一定会胜利的,不计任何代价。)
Renault's combination of off and on-road ability, plus a well thought out interior giving considerable versatility helped it win through.(雷诺的合并和关闭道路的能力,再加上一个考虑周全的内部相当多功能帮助它获得通过。)
Only through hard work can we win others' admiration.(只有通过努力工作,我们才能赢得别人的钦佩。)
I believe we will win through in the end.(我相信我们会赢在结束。)
It will be hard, but this is a better way to win the argument against Hamas than the past year's vain efforts to make the Palestinians jump through verbal hoops they have come to consider humiliating.(做到这样很难,但相对于过去这些年里的徒劳无功,这已是赢得民众反对哈马斯的更好方法了,巴勒斯坦人也可以籍此跳出他们已经感到羞辱的口头圈套。)
He broke through the pain barrier at 25 kilometres and went on to win his first marathon.(他克服了25公里时的痛苦极限,进而赢得了他的第一个马拉松冠军。)
We are faced witha lot of problems but we'll win through in the end.(我们面临着许多问题,但最终必将获得成功。)
After the first victory, our army followed through to win every battle.(我军初战胜利后再接再厉,打赢了以后的每一仗。)
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